U.S. Navy Type2 LSTs LST-491 Class Landing Ship

■ Newly-tooled bow foredeck section.
■ Newly-tooled vehicle ramp connecting the main deck and third deck.
■ The ramp can be positioned in closed or lowered position.
■ Three variants of newly-tooled bridges to choose from.
■ All AA guns can be positioned in horizontal or anti-aircraft position.
■ Decals for 6 different LST-491 class boats included.
■ The bow outer doors can be positioned open or closed.
■ Highly-detailed tank and vehicle deck.
■ Highly-detailed Higgins Boats and Welin davits system.
アメリカ海軍 LST-491級 戦車揚陸艦
■ 対空砲の水平状態と対空状態は選択可能.
■ 全新開模船頭甲板零件.
■ 全新開模滑跳板零件.
■ 滑跳甲板可選擇製作開或閉.
■ 三種全新艦橋可供選擇組裝.
■ 防空炮可選擇水平或對空狀態組裝.
■ 六種塗裝全新LST-491級塗裝水貼.
■ 船頭艙門可選擇製作開或關.
■ 完整重現登陸車輛艙的細節.
■ 完整重現登陸艇與吊車的細節.