哈士奇Mk.III地雷探測車 機械臂版本

■Highly detailed forward mounted interrogation arm.
■Beautifully rendered driving compartment.
■Entry hatch can be positioned open or closed.
■Precisely replicated chassis and suspension systems.
■Precision photo-etched parts included for enhanced detail.
■Precisely replicated tire tread pattern and side wall details.
■Highly detailed wiring and hydraulic lines.
■Retractable pulse induction metal detectors.
■Decals for Husky MK Ill with interrogation arm configuration.
ハスキー Mk.3 VMMD/車載型爆発物探知機 Ver. ブーム
■ 操縦室ドアは開閉選択可能。
■新規にハスキーMk.III ロボットアーム搭載型用デカール付属.