
Before the outbreak of the Pacific War, the US Army planned to develop an all-wheel drive medium tactical vehicle in order to achieve comprehensive motorization. The vehicle should be capable of 2.5 US tons payload and room for carrying an entire infantry squad, as well as towing light artillery and travel off-road under various weather conditions. Such vehicle must be able to produce on assembly line and have possibility of developing variants of the series.
The CCKW truck designed by GMC which fulfilled all requirements was completed in 1941. Over 500,000 units of various variants were produced during World War II. This truck was used by the US and Allies Armed Forces, and active in World War II and Korean War.
GMC CCKW was powered by gasoline engine. For the purpose of improve engine torque and simplified maintenance, the US Army proposed a demand of new medium truck to replace CCKW in late 40s of 20th century. The M35 series vehicle designed by the REO company win the competition. The initial model of M35 use gasoline engine as well. The M35A1 with diesel engine and M35A2 with multi-fuel engine were developed later on. M35 series was then became the primary truck in the US Armed Force, forming the backbone of the US military transport until 1990s.
Like the CCKW, M35 series developed variants of different usage with the same chassis. In 1965, a mobile repair shop van with box type body and equipped with maintenance tools was designated M109. It was used to provide field maintenance in battlefield. The M109A3 use the same multi-fuel engine as M35A2. This van was produced by a number of manufacturers that created different configurations and modifications. Production of M109 ceased in 1989. It serviced the US Armed Force in Vietnam War until the first Gulf War.
■Precision photo-etched parts are include.
■Optional hard or soft driving compartment top.
■Install front winch or not in option.
■4 US army decals and 2 ROC army decals included.
■Van body with internal structure, workbenches, chairs, ladder and a variety of maintenance tools.
M109A3 パネルバン型カーゴトラック